A Regional Facility in the Heart of Cambridgeshire
Locating the Lakes
location of cambridge sport lakes
Cambridge Country Park and Sport Lakes will be located approximately 3 miles north of Cambridge, extended by Milton Country Park to the south and the village of Waterbeach to the north.
The lakes will be connected to the River Cam at the southern end and will run immediately north-easterly, widening towards Waterbeach. The Cambridge/Ely railway line forms the south-east boundary; Car Dyke Road is adjacent to the site’s east boundary and the north-west side and will form the main access to the facility. The lakes run parallel to the A10 trunk road.
Accessing the Park
On foot
Throughout the park will be designated paths for walkers. These paths will connect to the River Cam, Milton Country Park and Fen Road, linking the park to Milton Village in the south. At the north end of the site, paths will connect to Waterbeach Village, providing a north-south link between the two settlements.
By cycle
Designated cycleways traversing the park will connect Cambridge Sport Lakes to the River Cam towpath and Milton Country Park bridge in the south, and to Waterbeach Railway Station in the north. These cycleways will facilitate cycle commuting between Cambridge and the villages to the north as well as providing a crucial link in the Cambridge to Ely route that is being developed by the Greenways Project.
By car
Car access to the Lakes is via Car Dyke Road, Waterbeach. Parking for the daily use associated with the Sports Centre/Boathouse will be in paved bays. Additional parking in grassed areas will be available during competitions and events.
By bus
A half-hourly bus service runs between Cambridge and Waterbeach, Ely and Littleport. Services stop close to the entrance to Cambridge Country Park and Sport Lakes and will link the Lakes to Waterbeach Railway Station. Additional buses will be provided if a large sporting event is held at the course.
By rail
Trains run from Waterbeach Railway Station to both Cambridge and Ely every 20 to 30 mins during the daytime. From Cambridge and Ely there are services connecting to London, Norwich, Peterborough, the Midlands and the North. Waterbeach Station is 57 minutes and second stop from London Kings Cross, and will be within walking distance from the Sports Centre and Boathouse.